Do I need a Battery Back Up Sump Pump System?

battery-backup-sump-pumps“Do I need a Battery Back Up Sump Pump System?” is a  very common question among homeowners with sump pump systems.  This is a very vvalid question when you look at the cost of a battery back-up system.  You see, a good quality battery back up system, which is what you want, may be priced between $1,000-$1,500, including installation. There are cheaper systems available however,  the keyword is “cheaper” and you will find that the reduced performance is not worth the savings.

So lets take a look at three key factors in making this decision. Each factor is broken down and graded (1-5; 1-Not Very Valuable, 5-Extremely Valuable) based on how valuable a battery back up sump pump system would be in protecting against water in the basement.

Protect Basement Contents: What you keep in your basement should be the number one factor in determining how well you need to protect the basement against water.

  • Finished Basement – 5
  • Furnace/Water Heater (On Floor) – 5
  • Furnace/Water Heater (Raised) – 3
  • Storage (On Floor) – 4
  • Storage (On Shelves) – 3
  • Empty – 1
 RainStormPower Outages: This usually happens during storms a time when we need our sump pump systems the most. So take a minute and think about how often do you loose power.
  • Few time a year – 5
  • Once a year – 4
  • Once every few years – 3
  • Never – 2
  • Whole house automatic generator – 1

 Primary Pump Failure: The older the pump the more likely this problem is going to happen.

  • 10+ Years Old – 5
  • 5-10 Years Old – 4
  • 3-5 Years Old – 3
  • Under 3 Years Old – 2

If you scored:

12-15 = Install a Battery Back Up System immediatelysump-pumps-for-basements-3

8-11 = Installing a Battery Back Up System would be a good idea

4-7 = No rush

We hope that this post was able to answer the question “Do I need a Battery Back Up Sump Pump System?”.

This outline is a very quick method for determining the importance of a back up system for your home. If you have more questions about your specific situation please feel free to call us 800-445-7593 or via our Contact Us page.

Protecting your home against water is always a good idea and something that every home shouldn’t be without. It is also important to understand what level of protection you truly need based on your home.

At Rescon we spend time with our clients understanding your individual needs and the needs of your home. We want to design and install protection that is necessary to meet those needs.

With over 16 years in business and thousands of clients across New England, Rescon is the right choice for your basement. Give us a call today.